
eFindOutTheTruth.com mentioned on Tampa Bay 10 News

Unlikely places to store your valuables

Have you ever wondered what to do with your valuables, whether you're at home or on the road?

Wonder no more! We've found a company online that's developed a way to hide your small valuables,where thieves won't think to look for them. They call them "diversion safes."

Their theory is, burglars typically spend no more than six minutes in a house, so they look in the obvious places. But would they look in a can of Red Bull?

The company refitted a real can of the energy drink to hide jewelry and cash, with a seamless screw-off top.

Or how about an innocent can of Suave hair spray? It's been hollowed out and weighted like a real can of hair spray, and you can hide your valuables. What thief would think to look there?

And do you like to hide a key under the front mat? You could instead try a fake sprinkler head that holds keys. Just put it in the front garden.

The prices range from $16.95 to $39.95. To look at the items, click here

Dave Wirth, Tampa Bay's 10 News