
eFindOutTheTruth.com interviewed in Wisconsin

Connie & Fish on Z104 FM Madison, Wisconsin WZEE-FM


Hide your valuables in plain sight with Diversion Safes! You will not be disappointed!!
All of our Diversion Safes look exactly like the real product because they are remanufactured from an original container.
Our diversion safes are indistinguishable from the genuine product, and are even weighted to feel full. Just open and fill!
All of our Can Safes are designed, with a seamless screw-off top or bottom, to allow concealment inside the actual container.

-> New Lower Prices!! All secret safes are under $30!! Prices start @ $14.95!!
Be Sure To Check Back Often!! New Items Are Frequently Added!!

-> "Underwear Safe / Brief Safe" - $24.95
-> Dog Food Safe Can Diversion Safe - $21.95
-> Coffee Can Diversion Safe - $29.95
-> Lipton Brisk Iced Tea Diversion Bottle Safe - $29.95
-> Snack Food Diversion Can Safe - $21.95
-> Rug and Room Deodorizer Can Safe - $21.95
-> Arizona Iced Tea Diversion Safe - $21.95
-> Monster Energy Drink Diversion Safe - $21.95
Water Bottle Safe - $29.95
-> Suave Hair Spray Diversion Safe - $21.95
-> Rock Hide-A-Key Diversion Safe - $14.95
-> Thermometer Key Hider - $14.95
-> Bunny Key Hider - $16.95
-> Pringles Diversion Safe - $21.95
-> Burgundy or Green Candle Diversion Safe
(you choose the color) - $29.95
-> Carpet Cleaner Diversion Safe - $21.95
-> Bathroom Cleaner Diversion Safe - $21.95
-> Spray Starch Diversion Safe - $21.95

Hidden Outlet / Wall Diversion Safe - $16.95
Sprinkler Key Hider Diversion Safe - $16.95
-> Kibbles and Bits Diversion Household Can Safe - $24.95
-> Barbasol Shaving Cream Diversion Safe - $21.95
-> Desenex Diversion Safe - $21.95
-> Aqua Net Hairspray Can Diversion Safe - $24.95
-> Bon Ami Household Diversion Can Safe - $29.95
-> FruitTeazer Soda Can Diversion Safe - $29.95
-> JB Engine Degreaser Diversion Can Safe - $29.95
-> JB Oil Treatment Diversion Can Safe - $29.95

-> Liquid Wrench Can Diversion Safe - $21.95
-> Puncture Seal Diversion Can Safe - $29.95
Book Diversion Safe - Remote Hideaway - $21.95
-> Book Diversion Safe - $29.95
-> CD Jewel Case Diversion Safe - $29.95
-> Flower Pot Diversion Safe - $39.95
-> Beer Can Diversion Safe - $18.95
-> Soda Can Diversion Safes - $18.95
-> Jolly Time Popcorn Household Diversion Can Safe - $29.95
Salt Shaker Diversion Safe - $18.95
-> Sugar Shaker Safe Diversion - $19.95
-> Del Monte Fruit Cocktail Can Diversion Safe - $21.95
-> AJAX Diversion Safe - $21.95
-> ScotchGard Diversion Safe - $21.95
-> Starch Diversion Safe - $24.95
-> Peanut Butter Jar Diversion Safe - $19.95
-> Salad Dressing / Mayo Diversion Safe - $19.95
-> Soup Starter Diversion Safe - $19.95
-> Left Over Container Diversion Safe - $21.95

eFindOutTheTruth.com mentioned on Tampa Bay 10 News

Unlikely places to store your valuables

Have you ever wondered what to do with your valuables, whether you're at home or on the road?

Wonder no more! We've found a company online that's developed a way to hide your small valuables,where thieves won't think to look for them. They call them "diversion safes."

Their theory is, burglars typically spend no more than six minutes in a house, so they look in the obvious places. But would they look in a can of Red Bull?

The company refitted a real can of the energy drink to hide jewelry and cash, with a seamless screw-off top.

Or how about an innocent can of Suave hair spray? It's been hollowed out and weighted like a real can of hair spray, and you can hide your valuables. What thief would think to look there?

And do you like to hide a key under the front mat? You could instead try a fake sprinkler head that holds keys. Just put it in the front garden.

The prices range from $16.95 to $39.95. To look at the items, click here

Dave Wirth, Tampa Bay's 10 News

A Brief Word about Home Security

A Brief Word about Home Security

by Lee Shelton 02/15/2007

When it comes to hiding valuables, many people opt for "diversion safes." These clever devices look like real, ordinary household objects, but are designed to hold whatever you might want to keep out of the hands of a would-be burglar.

Perhaps the most original one I've seen is the Underwear Diversion Safe from eFindOutTheTruth.com:
    The "Underwear/Brief Safe" is an innovative diversion safe that can secure your cash, documents, and other small valuables from inquisitive eyes and thieving hands, both at home and when you're traveling. Items can be hidden right under their noses with these specially-designed briefs which contain a fly-accessed 4" x 10" secret compartment with Velcro closure and "special markings" on the lower rear portion. Leave the "Underwear/Brief Safe" in plain view in your laundry basket or washing machine at home, or in your suitcase in a hotel room - even the most hardened burglar or most curious snoop will "skid" to a screeching halt as soon as they see them. (Wouldn't you?) Made in USA. One size. Color: white (and brown).
What gets me is not that someone dreamed up this idea -- as crazy as it is -- but that there are people out there willing to pay between $30 and $40 for it. I mean, why pay for something you could make yourself?

Windsor Fire Department discusses eFindOutTheTruth.com

Diversion Safe

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Hey, I don't write this stuff... I just report it... it seems anyone can make a buck today with the right entrepreneurial mind. The site below is legit... click on it and check it out.

Diversion Safe: "

The 'Underwear / Brief Safe' is an innovative diversion safe that can secure your cash, documents, and other small valuables from inquisitive eyes and thieving hands, both at home and when you're traveling. Items can be hidden right under their noses with these specially-designed briefs which contain a fly-accessed 4' x 10' secret compartment with Velcro closure and 'special markings' on the lower rear portion. Leave the 'Underwear / Brief Safe' in plain view in your laundry basket or washing machine at home, or in your suitcase in a hotel room - even the most hardened burglar or most curious snoop will 'skid' to a screeching halt as soon as they see them. (Wouldn't you?) Made in USA. One size. Color: white (and brown).
'Underwear / Brief Safe'

To add realistic smell, check out 'Doo Drops' below

1) Free Shipping - $5.00 value
2) Free Nationwide Criminal Record Search - $12.95 value
3) Free Mini Spy Ear - great for hearing conversations from afar - $9.95 value
Total Savings of $27.90!!!!

Cash and Money Orders are always accepted
as well as Credit Card Payments via PayPal or Google.
Please eMail info@eFindOutTheTruth.com with any questions.

Diversion Safe - Skid Mark Safe - Disgusting, But If It Works…

Personal Finance Advice


Sometimes solutions to problems are a lot easier than they would first appear. Take finding a hiding place for you valuables. Conventional wisdom would lead you to hide them away in some hard to find secret location with the hope a thief wouldn’t look there. A better solution would be to find a spot where the burglar wouldn’t go even if he could see it. That is the concept behind the underwear skid mark safe.

skid mark underwear money safe

The “Brief Safe” is an innovative diversion safe that can secure your cash, documents, and other small valuables from inquisitive eyes and thieving hands, both at home and when you’re traveling. Items can be hidden right under their noses with these specially-designed briefs which contain a fly-accessed 4″ x 10″ secret compartment with Velcro® closure and “special markings” on the lower rear portion.

Leave the “Brief Safe” in plain view in your laundry basket or washing machine at home, or in your suitcase in a hotel room — even the most hardened burglar or most curious snoop will “skid” to a screeching halt as soon as they see them — wouldn’t you? Made in USA. One size. Color: White (and Brown).

Pretty ingenious. I mean if you were a thief would you be looking through soiled underwear? Since to object is to keep the thief away from the money and most burglars wouldn’t even come close to these, I think it’s a fairly safe bet these could be an effective place to hide your money and valuables. They are currently on sale for $29.95 (regularly $39.95) at efind out the truth.

Now, in the spirit of saving money, I could go on about how you could make your own more frugally, but I think I’ll stay away from that on this occassion…

Hat Tip: Thanks to reader Curtis for emailing this to me

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